Thought is not reality
No matter what you or anyone says, nor what you or anyone thinks, the entire conceptual realm is nothing more or less than a fleeting transient appearance. All efforts to grasp reality with the intellect are naturally limited to the currency used. Thought. Thought has no substance of itself. Thoughts come and go. Thought leaves no trace upon reality.
All spoken words disappear back into silence. No one can create any more silence than there is.
The written word requires the presence of attention, the attention of a witness. Who is the witness? Who is the witness of the witness? Consciousness is all there is and that fact remains hidden from view. Just as the eye cannot see the eye. The witness has to form into a reference point to be imagined as a ‘thing’. That is NOT IT. Reality is no thing to the mind. You cannot jump over your own knees.
We cannot hold onto words without them slipping away, without them being replaced by other words. Silence prevails and yet it is ignored by preferences for thought. Thought clusters around a belief in being a separate entity. There cannot be a self centre anywhere. The moon is reflected in a thousand puddles. Awareness shines. ‘Moon mind’ only reflects the light of consciousness.
‘The story of me’ is a conceptual construct. Some call it the great illusion. The illusion of separation.
The whole, the wholeness of all there is, has never divided itself. How could it?
If it divided it would not be whole.
Your natural wholeness is complete AS IT IS but concepts have seemingly divided ‘you’. That ‘you’ is only an idea. What are you without a name or a word? Nothing that you can say! Recognise that and make no mistake about it. No one ever found something called the self centre.
The totality of what you are cannot be reduced to words. Impossible.
A word or an idea has no substance or independence of itself. It cannot be something that can stand alone. See for yourself. Do not take my word for it! The word is never what it suggests it is.
The self image is a homeless mirage. A castle in the air. Trying to live in it is the realm of a fool.
Everything is relative except for reality. The relative is not reality. Check your premises!
Truth is beyond the grasp of ANY intellect. It is indivisible and singular. This does not mean that it is beyond you. It is what we are. The truth of being. You KNOW that you are. That cannot be denied.
We all know what is true instantly. Why we ignore it is apparently a great mystery.
Innately you know what is true but language always falls short when one attempts to translate it into words. Word is not the ‘thing’ it re-presents. You cannot drink the word ‘water’.
The word ‘fire’ does not burn your tongue, no matter how many times you say it.
Many argue about what they believe reality is but such stubborn divisions of mind cannot be resolved by thought. Only ‘deep insight’ removes the conflict.
Deep insight transcends words. Insight is unique for each individual. No one can make you see. Seeing is already happening spontaneously.
Through deep insight it is realised that in a general sense everyone is coming from a sense of believing that they are separate. That sense of separation is nothing but belief in an unquestioned conceptual construct. Investigate. Belief cannot withstand an investigation simply because a belief cannot be something true.
Belief in concepts as something real is nothing but ignorance. This is not usually understood by anyone. That is not because ‘they are dumb or stupid’ but only because no one has ever pointed the way out of that ignorance for them.
One must investigate for oneself. You must SEE for yourself, directly without any compromises.
Just accepting what one is told is pointless.